Application template to showcase your art as greeting cards

ArtCards by Elizabeth Boylan

Smartphone applications to help artists market themselves are all the rage. Even The 3 Inch Canvas has dipped its toes into them, see our applications here and here.

An interesting variation on this theme has been introduced by a company called VectorBloom Technologies. Based on the ArtCards application (see image to your left) that they have created for the artist  Elizabeth Boylan, VectorBloom has now released the template for the application so that other artists can create their own version of the greetings application.

The template can be picked up at Chupa Mobile or Binpress. With the template, an artist can create an application with the same functionality, but featuring other works. You can get an idea about how the template works from this review video.

The pricing seems a bit weird. Over at Chupa a personal licence for the template sells for $199 while over at Binpress the personal license is $99 only. You need a personal license to create a single application that is distributed for free. To create multiple versions of the application or to sell the application, the extended license is needed. The extended license is sold at $299 on both sites.

It is good to remember that what you get is just a template. You still need to do some level of application development work. You also need to either have access to an iPhone developer to do the work or become a registered iPhone developer yourself. Becoming a developer sets you back another $99.

We haven’t tried out the template so cannot vouch for it, but if you do, please post a comment with your experiences.

Get visibility for your art event:

e-artnow.orgI’ve been subscribed to an organisation called for some time. Their site provides interesting information on all kinds of art events, mainly in Europe.

I miss a lot of the information on the site, because it is one more site to visit. Now e-artnow announced that they will start an email service, whereby event organisers can send event announcements and reminders to the e-artnow email list. E-artnow claims that they currently have 55000+ readers. If this really is the case, then this would be a very valuable service to promote interesting art events.

The service will cost 150€/announcement but the first announcement will be free. The 3 Inch Canvas is not planning any event now so we cannot test the effectiveness of the service at this time. But at 0 € for the first shot, this must be a service worth trying!

Remember to also subscribe to their email service to receive the announcements!

If you try out the service, do share your experience with us!